Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How do I change a fuel filter?

I have some problems with my fuel system, one of the tanks is leaking and I wanted to move some stuff around, including change the fuel filter, how do cut off the flow of fuel so that I can work on the fuel system, is there some cut off valve? Also since I have a fuel leak, can I just let the gasoline leak all the way out if all else fails?
How do I change a fuel filter?
whats the make of car , it matters
How do I change a fuel filter?
when you say one of your tanks , i have a feeling that you are not talking about a vehicle but if you are then you should know that once the vehicle is off then the gas pump ceases to function and so you dont need a lock off valve
If you are dealing with rubber lines (not metal) you may clamp of the fuel supply and wrap a rag around the line end. If the lines are metal, you will need to spill a bit of fuel at the filter end, but a rag will do nicely. ***Remember to disconnect the battery prior to service, as power to the fuel sending unit will cause it to push fuel up the line to the engine, causing much more leakage and a dangerous hazard to you and the environment***
Have to know more info. Fuel injection or carb? Make and model also. Letting the gas leak is asking for a fire and possible injury.
There are usually no fuel shut off valves on fuel lines. (except on some tractor trailer fuel tanks)

If you have a leaking tank you need to get all of the fuel out of it and fix/replace it or you are a moving bomb waiting for a spark to blow you up!

I assume you've found the fuel filter? (It can be anywhere in the fuel line depending on make and model.) It is usually held in a clamp and has the 2 fuel lines clamped to it. Have the new filter ready and waiting to be installed. (make sure you can see the arrow or marking that shows which way to mount it as filters are one way only.) Unclamp one line from the old filter and pull the line off of the filter. (I always disconnect the line from the filter to the engine first as the old dirty filter will restrict the flow of fuel from the tank somewhat and minimize the spilled gas.) Put your finger over the end that is towards the fuel tank and push the removed line onto the proper end of the new filter. (make sure you have the loosened clamp on the line) Now remove the other clamp and line from the old filter and push them onto the other end of the new filter. Tighten the clamps and put the filter back into its holder. Messy, but all done.

Note: if you have a fuel injection system, you might need to bleed it off before changing the filter. A repair manual for your make and model will say if that is needed and how to do it. (Chilton and Haynes, sold at local auto parts stores, make the best repair manuals for the backyard mechanic.)

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