Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Changing fuel filter on BMW 525td?

How can i do this myself (in detail please)
Changing fuel filter on BMW 525td?
Undo bolt that goes into the top of the filter on the filter head make sure you remove the old sealing ring from the old filter as sometimes they stick to the filter housing face.Fill the new filter with fresh diesel(make sure its full) fit it back on to the filter head and tighten the bolt then fire the engine done
Changing fuel filter on BMW 525td?
1. remove old filter

2. have a beer

3. install new filter
First thing check that you have purchased the right filter,for the model as there are a few,then find it ,normally on a 5 series under the car in front of rear wheel on the right hand side, you would be advised to get two new small sized screw clips for the hose connections as they will be rusted up,either get some new ones (easiest option) or spray with releasing Fluid and wait,till they can be undone, if you have a shallow drip tray to capture the fuel that will be in the pipework and may be under pressure,and some eye protection use it as it burns bad, first of all undo the supply end from the fuel tank as this shouldn't be pressurised, and place on the new filter then undo the clamp bolt and slide out the old filter slide in the new to the same place fix it by tightening the clamp bolt,and then do the same with the other end. turn the engine over a few time to purge out any air until it starts and you are done, one hour ,or two if everything is tight and rusty.

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