Thursday, October 6, 2011

Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 91 jimmy?

2 hours ago the car started fine. now it has a healthy crank but just doesn't want to turn over. I had a tip to change the fuel filter.

I believe its under the air filter but does any one know for sure? thanks.

and a procedure to change the fuel filter would be great too. along with other suggestions for why it wont start. (not the battery/starter/alternator).

Thanks in advance.
Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 91 jimmy?
Under the vehicle by the fuel tank on the passanger side; reason... the coil on your starter could need to be changed or fuse on the ignition could have gone out. The fuel filter is just keeping the engine clean, has nothing to do with your car starting
Where is the Fuel Filter located on a 91 jimmy?
I think you have a carbeurator not fuel injectors; so i'm thinking there aren't fuel filters. You should have jets that spray fuel into the carb...those may be clogged.
It's mounted on the frame under the driver side door...oh wait, that's the location for the '96 model. But try on yours, it may be in the same spot. Good luck!

P.S. You're probably looking at a fuel pump problem...
How do you know your battery, alt, starter is good? Did you have a volt meter put on your battery and alternator???

Fuel filters seldom stop a car from just starting only.....a bad fuel filter will make the car miss and hesitate and run rough.......anyhow, I would take this vehicle to an oil change joint that does wipers, bulbs, filters etc and have them change it.....more than likely that filter is down by the fuel tank......I had mine changed on a 94 cavalier parts and labor for $55.00 and drank coffee while they did it.......keep your eye on the anti freeze in this vehicle if it has Gm Dex may not, but Dex cool has a bad rep on gumming up like mud in Blazers and Jimmys.....check it out. driveway mechanic*******
Need to know what engine is in there pal. 4.3L is along the driver's side frame rail. 2.8L is tucked behind the P/S pump.

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