Dose the gas tank need to be empty to change the fuel filter?
if its inside the fuel tank yes less fuel less it weight if its long the frame no just pul it off sure some gas wil come out do you can get your finger over end of hose
type into searchbox
how to replace fuel filter 1990 chevy truck or try going to autozone.comtop of page says do it yourself type inyour info finds pllace part price and get a how to
Dose the gas tank need to be empty to change the fuel filter?
It does not have to be empty. Just remove the fuel cap to depressurize it so it does not spray all over the place. Some fuel will spill though no matter what you do.
pull fuel pump fuse let motor run till it stalls
thatll depressurize it can change it anytime
If you have to ask these questions, you should go to a mechanic; unless you want to clean to gene pool.
you don,t have to empty it just take the pressure off of it. the way i do it on my 88 oldsmobile i just take the cap off.
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