Friday, June 3, 2011

Changing a fuel filter on a F-350 Power stroke 7.3L Diesel?

I have a question. I need to change the fuel filter in a 97 F-350 7.3L Power stroke Diesel. Do i need to bleed the fuel system out after i change the filter? Or is it the same as changing one of a gas system where you just take the old one out and put a new one in and that is it. Thanks!!!! Any pointers?? Please do tell.|||On top of the fuel filter canister there will be a threaded plug. You need to take this out then turn your key on and wait till fuel fills the canister. This takes the air out. Just turning your key on won%26#039;t do it and it will vapor lock if you don%26#039;t get it bled. Easier if you have help so you can monitor the fuel at the top of your canister.|||no just turn the ign switch to the on position 2 or 3 times without starting engine to cycle pump, don%26#039;t even have to do that in most cases, as it is a self bleeding system, I just do it out of habit from the older models.

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